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2022-06-03 01:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Jackie Chan's disciple until the day he dissed me As regular readers have probably gathered already, I'm not a huge rock music fan. I may sport a shock of hair that prompts people in the street to ask me what kind of shampoo and conditioner I use (a secret I'll take to my grave) but that doesn't necessarily mean I like to thrash it to the sound of brainless bands choking loud guitars. A rock-ish tune I do dig though, comes from an Irish band called Ash, mainly because it's called Kung-Fu and pretty much dedicated to Jackie Chan. Previous to writing this week's column I loved Jackie Chan, like a young boy loves the first hair that appears on his body in any other place than his scalp.

Delightful dance of life needs no celebrities

Sizing it up






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